Finder Classifieds ™

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Updated: July 17, 2023


This website is operated for informational purposes only in compliance and under the full protection of the First Ammendment of the United States Of America.

First Ammendment of the United States Of America:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. is a Wisconsin, U.S.A. based classified ads and blogazine focused on serious and radical thinking about Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles, Dry Goods, Electronics, Real Estate, Furniture, Artificial Intelligence, Careers, Jobs, Services and everything else for Finer Living.

With an editorial mission committed to publishing quality articals, reviews, images and videos from informed and provocative perspectives. attracts an intelligent, engaged, and global audience with an appreciation for a Finer Lifestyle and Culture.

We have cultivated an active, engaged audience on many social media platforms and they love to share and retweet our posts, news and announcements.

Thus, you should purchase some advertising space here! BUY IT!

Finder Classifieds is a global alternative to all other sources of selling, buying, bartering, trading, finding, listing, wanting, auctioning, and advertising of all types of items, services, jobs, events, all categorized properly for your convenience.

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In Over 45,000 Cities in 196 Countries on 7 Continents Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America
Finder Classifieds is, Your Window to the World!
Let us know if your town, city, or other location is not listed.

At times we review products, test products, critique products "including guns, ammunition, and other weapons", places, laws, practices, elected officials and others. We write articles, share our experiences, voice our opinion, rant our outrage, and agree to disagree non-violently. We believe in the Constitution of the United States of America (U.S.A.) and we support all of its Amendments vigorously. We believe in Civil Rights, human rights, LGBTQ+ rights, Women's rights, equal rights for all, equal opportunity for all, equal pay for all, free and equal education for all, nondiscrimination, BLACK LIVES MATTER, Your Life Matters, My Life Matters, All Lives Matter, agree to STOP ALL HATRED, voting rights for all adult Americans, #Me Too movement, religious rights, workers' rights, in-depth background checks of all gun buyers, psychological evaluation of all law enforcement personnel and their testers.
We are not biased or bigoted if we have an altercation with someone we will refer to them as "ASSHOLES" which is fair and neutral and is not a racist nor an ethnic slur. We are not always politically correct and we do not intend to be.
We advocate for a Net Neutrality. We promote the right to free elections absent of outside foreign influences.
We support our Troops and we support and are grateful for our Veterans. Let us make Peace, Not War!
Free medical care for everyone with no exception! . . . . . We recommend voting for Friends of Labor, vote for the person not the team!
We believe that all politicians should be honest and be held accountable for all of their actions in office and in their personal life.
We beleive that all elected and appointed judges, public servants, community leaders and others should be bypartisan, honest and be held accountable for all of their actions in office and in their personal life.
We also believe that all corporate executives should be honest and be held accountable for all of their actions as heads of industry and in their private life. If a politician, corporate official or an appointee violate the fore mentioned conditions they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law no exception.
All Religions Matter! . . . We believe in a God by any name you assign to it! . . . In God We Trust, God Bless America, and God Bless Our Friends all over the World!

If any of this bothers you, it may be better if you did not use this website.

In accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising." posts may contain affiliate links and I receive a commission if you visit a link and buy something on my recommendation.
Purchasing via an affiliate link does not cost you more. posts advertisements to defray the cost of operating this website.
You do not pay more for purchases from an affiliate link, Please keep using the links.
Thank you for visiting and using
Kindest regards, Clifford

The information content of this website is the truth as we know it at the moment if it changes we will try to adjust it accordingly. Please inform us of any inaccuracies, or changes that should be made, contact us at: , Thank you.

Thank you for being patient while we build our website correctly.
When we are finished you will have a true Classified Ads website with no anoying popup banners or ads.
When you post a listing it will be in a specific category in chronological order.
SELL, BUY, TRADE, or ADVERTISE on 7 Continents: Africa, Antarctica, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America.
After you list your ad it will be seen by BILLIONS of People in 45,000+ Cities in 196 Countries on 7 Continents Worldwide.
When you look for a vehicle or any item you will see true and current ads, not scraped ads from other sites.
We will consider any and all recomendations to improve your experience at Finder Classifieds.
We will not burden you with restrictions as do Craiglist, eBay and other websites.
Thank you for your consideraion, please check back and tell your friends about Finder Classifieds.
Kindest regards,

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